Dedicated to Wholesale Brokers
We understand the challenges you face every day. That’s why we’re always ready to respond with creative solutions no matter the deadline.
Offering Excess Casualty Insurance to the Construction Industry with Consistency and Expertise
We know speed, consistency and trust are what matter to you. Berkley’s decentralized structure combined with our underwriting staff’s expertise and autonomy puts decision-making power where it belongs — in the field. That means we can respond quickly — giving you the competitive advantage you’re looking for.
Financial Strength, Experience, Innovation, and Commitment
As excess casualty construction specialists, we have earned a reputation for finding innovative solutions for difficult risks, offering:
Follow Form Excess Liability Coverage
Admitted and Non-Admitted
Limits up to $25M
Practice and Project Programs
Lead, Buffer or Excess Layers
Our submission requirements include:
Applications: Fully completed, current industry application and/or Contractor's Supplemental
Loss Runs: 5 years currently valued carrier loss runs
Job list or Geotechnical Investigation Reports (as applicable)

Construction Excess Casualty Insurance
The construction landscape is a dynamic one with challenges coming from many directions: supply chain disruptions, labor shortages, inflation, increased regulation and emerging risks. Using the latest in digital technology, let our experienced team of underwriters and claims professionals customize an excess casualty insurance solution just for you.